a black cartoon of a man with curly hair, a beard and thin circular glasses. The entire website background is yellow.

Steven is the founder of Squeaky Wheel Media, a nonprofit organization that empowers disabled writers to use humor to combat ableism, and the first-ever satire publication focused on disability.

About (Boring)

Based in NYC, Steven’s work includes copy-writing, humor writing, web design, print design, social media content, and brand identity. As a lifelong fan of consuming stuff, he enjoys working on projects related to film, comedy and entertainment.

About (Fun)

Steven loves iced coffee, the limited-time-only seasonal items at Taco Bell, and the Muppets. Not ALL of the Muppets, but most of them. When he’s not snacking or making memes, he may be writing his own web bio in the third person.


After interning with Oxygen Network and graduating with a B.F.A., he began working as a designer in the NBCUniversal Creative Group. In 2021, he took on a new role within the company as the Creative Content Manager for NBCUniversal’s corporate communications team.

In addition to his work at NBCU, Steven works as a freelance designer and writer creating brand identities, pitch decks, social content and more for independent clients in the entertainment industry. He has done speaking engagements and taught writing workshops for disabled student organizations at Harvard University, New York University, University of Amsterdam and more.


Steven has a neuromuscular disability known as Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and is a full-time wheelchair user. He hates stairs; please do not invite him to visit your favorite staircase. His experience has led him to create the first ever disability-satire magazine, The Squeaky Wheel, and to become a leader of NBCUniversal’s MyAbilities group, where he advocates for positive disability representation in television and film.